Monday, 28 May 2012

number 1 on the craft to-do list

I AM HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THE RETURN OF MY CRAFT MOJO! I think in an attempt to fill my endless hours, I may have regained a part of me that I really missed. So the other day I had a bit of a brain storm and wrote down some ideas for some crafty things I would like to do...
press flowers
   weave willow

I started with pressed flowers. I had memories from my childhood and being at my grandparent's in England. Both my sister and I had these plastic flower pressers which were basically a sandwich of cardboard inside two plastic squares that could be tightened with a nut and bolt. It's sad to think that I have no idea what would have happened to the flowers we pressed. I really wish I had kept some! And then I'm sure I have pressed flowers inside books of mine since... Perhaps one day I will be flicking through my books and I will find one!

I think keeping a kind of botanical diary will be quite sweet to look back on, whether I decide to keep the dried flowers in a special diary or frame them. Feeling inspired I went and picked a couple of flowers from the garden and my other half picked a few for me (upon instruction) on our walk. These are now being pressed inside a heavy book with some more books on top. Only this time I was smart enough to write down the page I put them in, the date and the place they were picked. I had a little sneaky peek the other day and so far so good. Even the ones I though might be too fat are looking good. Stay posted for photos.

I also had the idea of creating some kind of dried flower art work to have framed for our house. It might take me a while to collect the flowers though!

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